Sushant Singh Rajput and Sara Ali Khan have been shooting for Abhishek Kapoor's Kedarnath for while now. The filming began last year and it was a troublesome time when the producers and director were at loggerheads. Even the director had issues with Sara Ali Khan, for her giving her dates to Simmba, before the release of her debut film. While all things have been sorted, it is now learned that Sushant Singh Rajput has wrapped up his portion of the film.
It’s a wrap for Sushant Singh Rajput on Kedarnath; cuts a cake with Sara Ali KhanSushant Singh Rajput wrapped up Kedarnath on June 15 with a celebration. The cast and crew along with Sara Ali Khan ended up cutting a cake with Sushant on his last day. Directed Abhishek Kapoor's wife Pragya Yadav shared a video from his wrap up day and wrote, "And it’s a wrap for @sushantsinghrajput ???????? ❤️ From #kaipoche to #Kedarnath your passion, dedication and hard work has only grown. I can’t explain how proud I am of you! ❤️ love u. #kedarnath."
Kedarnath marks the Bollywood debut of Saif Ali Khan and ex-wife Amrita Singh’s daughter Sara Ali Khan. It will be an emotional and riveting story set in India’s heartland where a romance unfolds. Sara will be playing the role of a rich tourist in the film while Sushant Singh Rajput will be playing the role of a pithhoo. Based on the floods in Uttarakhand, Kedarnath starring Sushant Singh Rajput and Sara Ali Khan is scheduled to release on November 30, 2018.
More Pages: Kedarnath Box Office Collection , Kedarnath Movie Review
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