After the grand wedding of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, Priyanka Chopra and Hollywood popstar Nick Jonas are all set to tie the knot at the royal Umaid Bhavan Palace in Jodhpur. As the guests will soon be arriving for the pre-wedding festivities, Nick’s older brothers Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas along with their better halves Sophie Turner and Danielle Jonas have arrived in Mumbai. The pre-wedding functions began on November 28 with puja ceremony at Priyanka’s mom Madhu Chopra’s residence. Earlier this morning, the entire family headed to Jodhpur for the wedding celebrations.
Wedding Countdown Begins! Bride and groom-to-be Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas head to Jodhpur with Joe Jonas and Sophie TurnerPriyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were seen at the Kalina airport in Mumbai taking an early flight to Jodhpur. Bride-to-be Priyanka looked beautiful in Abu Jani - Sandeep Khosla creation as she kept it traditional. She teamed up the look with jewellery by TBZ. The handsome groom-to-be Nick looked dapper in white t-shirt, beige pants and a jacket as they waved at the paparazzi. Joe and Sophie too were seen at the airport as Sophie was seen waving at the shutterbugs before heading inside the airport. Parineeti Chopra, Kevin Jonas and Danielle Jonas left separately for Jodhpur this morning.
Nick, Priyanka, Joe and Sophie arrived in Jodhpur amid massive frenzy. The couples were surrounded by fans and paparazzi as they came out of the airport. They smiled for the cameras as they headed to their cars.
The pre-wedding functions are said to begin this week with the sangeet ceremony on November 29. The Indian style wedding will take place on December 1 followed by the white wedding on December 3. The first wedding reception will be held in Delhi on December 4.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra – Nick Jonas Wedding: The couple begins functions with puja ceremony; Joe Jonas – Sophie Turner arrive dressed in Indian attire
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