Akshay Kumar has been on a film signing spree for the past couple of months and amidst all the hectic schedules, the superstar is giving time for the satire Toilet - Ek Prem Katha. While images of the actor shooting for the film have found their way to social media platforms, recently the actor shared an image of himself in a helicopter.
Watch: Captain Akshay Kumar’s helicopter ridePosting the image on Twitter the actor joked about piloting the helicopter saying, “And this is your Captain Mr. Kumar speaking...can you guess where are we heading ???? #EverydayIsAnAdventure.”
Later the actor shared a video shot while still inflight that gives viewers a birds’ eye view of Nandgaon. Posting the video on twitter Akshay added, “Arriving at our destination Nandgaon in a few minutes for the shoot of @ToiletTheFilm! Meanwhile enjoy the aerial view Jai Shree Krishna”.
As for the film, Toilet - Ek Prem Katha will see Akshay Kumar paired with Bhumi Pednekar for the first time. Extensively shot in Mathura and directed by Neeraj Pandey, Toilet - Ek Prem Katha is slated for release next year.
Arriving at our destination Nandgaon in a few minutes for the shoot of @ToiletTheFilm! Meanwhile enjoy the aerial view ???? Jai Shree Krishna???????? pic.twitter.com/W5RYFbM9W9
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) November 21, 2016
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