Alia Bhatt - Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dear Zindagi released this Friday and has already been receiving positive reviews from the critics and the audience. With the Pakistani actor Ali Zafar is also a part of the film, the makers of Dear Zindagi had a released few seconds trailers in four parts without Ali just to avoid the controversies surrounding Pakistani actors in India.
Watch: Ali Zafar sings ‘Tu Hi Hai’ to celebrate the release of Dear ZindagiOn Friday, Ali Zafar did a live streaming on his Facebook account to celebrate Dear Zindagi's release. He also sang 'Tu Hi Hai' song from the movie which has been originally sung by Arijit Singh. During the live streaming, he talks about his character by saying, "Oh yes, Dear Zindagi has released today and my character’s name is Rumi. Also, Rumi is my favorite poet.”
Directed by Gauri Shinde, Dear Zindagi also stars Angad Bedi, Kunal Roy Kapur and Ira Dubey.
More Pages: Dear Zindagi Box Office Collection , Dear Zindagi Movie Review
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