Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath got married on December 12 in a traditional ceremony in Punjab. Kapil adhered to his roots as he opted a rather traditional approach to get married. The videos and pictures from the ceremony are being lapped up by people on the internet with much aplomb. Kapil wore an ivory sherwani with bright pink turban to co-ordinate with his bride's lehenga. He looked very happy and content as he is on the cusp of starting a new life with Ginni. Apart from this, he will also be seen entertaining us every week with his new show starting this month.
UNSEEN WEDDING PICS: Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath’s wedding looks every bit of a folk fairytaleKapil Sharma will host a reception in Amritsar before coming back to the Bay. He will throw another party for his Mumbai friends. He will focus on shooting his show and has kept that as priority. He and Ginni will go on their honeymoon only after he shoots for some episodes of his show. The premiere will have Salman Khan and his dad as key guests. They are expected to come even at his reception.
Kapil Sharma’s nemesis Sunil Grover took to Twitter to wish him along with other celebs like Saina Nehwal and Abhishek Bachchan. Krushna Abhishek, Bharti Singh, Chandan Prabhakar made it to the wedding as well.
Also Read: Kapil Sharma - Ginni Chatrath wedding: Sunil Grover, Abhishek Bachchan wish the happy couple
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