Tiger Shroff is gearing up for his next release which is Baaghi 3. The movie is helmed by Ahmed Khan and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and will hit the theatres on the 6th of March 2020. Last seen in War which was the biggest hit of 2019 collecting over Rs. 300 crores at the box office, fans witnessed Tiger performing exceptional moves and he often shares BTS videos from the sets with this time being no different.
Tiger Shroff’s flawless helicopter kick is a must watch on the internet todayThis time, Tiger showcased his agility and skills at performing an action by sharing a video of him doing a flawless Helicopter Kick. He shared the video on his social media with the caption, “Helicopter Kick???? #warbts. ”
On the work front, Tiger Shroff’s next project Baaghi 3 will see him perform never before seen stunts on the silver screen. The actor was shooting in the rough terrains of Serbia in extreme conditions for the movie and will reunite with his Baaghi costar Shraddha Kapoor in the upcoming movie. Directed by Ahmed Khan, the film is releasing on March 6, 2020.
ALSO READ: Tiger Shroff does a perfect flip over a car in this BTS photo from War
More Pages: War Box Office Collection , War Movie Review
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