Ayushmann Khurrana’s wife Tahira Kashyap has taken to Instagram once again to update us with her fight against cancer. After finishing up the chemotherapy sessions, she has gone the Sonali Bendre way, chopping off her long tresses. She wrote that she feels that liberated now as she does not need to hide behind a cap or even resort to temporary solutions like hair extensions. It sure will make her family including Ayushmann and the industry proud with her act of bravery. She shared pictures of herself with an inspiring message, “Hello world! That’s a new me with the old self! Was getting tired of the extensions, so this is how it is and it’s so liberating in every sense of the word, so much so that I don’t have to duck the shower while bathing or while picking up the soap! I never thought I had go bald, was stretching my time with the good ol’ cap for too long. But this feels so good #breastcancerawareness #baldisbeautiful #selflovenomatterwhat.”
Tahira Kashyap goes bald as she inspires millions with her fight against breast cancerJust a few weeks ago Tahira had taken to Instagram to announce that she was finally done with the dreaded chemo. Supportive husband Ayushmann went with her and the two clicked a picture together. She had written, “Can’t keep calm!!! Last and final chemo! Fuck yesss!! It’s been some journey. The learning has been immense, some of which, I know, I will realise with time. Thank you to each one who has been praying for me! Lots of love and prayers from my end to each one of you! My heart is bouncing with joy and gratitude.”
Despite taking treatment for breast cancer, she has been very busy with her work. She will be soon making her debut as a director and has roped in Madhuri Dixit and Saiyami Kher as leads in the movie.
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