Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas got married in an idyllic ceremony at the royal palace of Umaid Bhavan in Jodhpur, Rajasthan and have been stunning us with their gorgeous wedding looks since then. Priyanka hosted a reception post her wedding in Delhi and Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the function. Nick and Priyanka gave exclusive rights to an international magazine who shared pics and videos of the event. In the latest pics shared by the company who shot wedding pictures and videos, one sees PC enjoying her pre-wedding celebrations with her bridesmaids and family. Sophie Turner has been a witness to PC and Nick's story since day one and has become PC's closest friends since she started dating Nick. She was one of the 12 bridesmaids that Priyanka had and in a picture shared online, one sees PC and Sophie doing 'Fugdi’, a folk dance done by women in festivals across India.
Priyanka Chopra teaches Sophie Turner a folk dance and we are in AWE (see pic)It is endearing to see how Nick's family accepted the Indian culture and infact revelled in it. Both PC and Nick had separate Hindu and Christian wedding ceremonies to respect each other's religion and the result was mind-blowing! It was a beautiful melting pot of cultures and PC has never looked happier than this! Check out the pics and you would know we're not lying.
Priyanka will resume work on her movie The Sky Is Pink and will take a short break during Christmas to be with her new husband Nick!
Also Read: Prime Minister Narendra Modi attends Priyanka Chopra – Nick Jonas reception
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