After the grand wedding of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, Priyanka Chopra is all set to get hitched to her fiance, Hollywood pop star Nick Jonas. The wedding is going to take place at the royal Umaid Bhavan Palace in Jodhpur. As the guests will soon be arriving for the pre-wedding festivities, Nick’s elder brother Joe Jonas has arrived in India with his fiance, actor Sophie Turner. The pre-wedding functions begin today with puja ceremony at Priyanka's mom, Madhu Chopra's residence.
Priyanka Chopra – Nick Jonas Wedding: The couple begins functions with puja ceremony; Joe Jonas – Sophie Turner arrive dressed in Indian attirePriyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas arrived at Madhu Chopra's residence this afternoon dressed in Indian attires. Priyanka wore a beautiful Manish Malhotra blue and white salwar - kameez whereas Nick was seen rocking a peachy pink kurta with white pyjama. Both were seen in black sunglasses as Priyanka waved at the paparazzi when she came out of the car. Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner also opted for Indian attires for the ceremony. Joe was seen arriving in blue kurta and white pyjama whereas Sophie looked beautiful in yellow-red traditional wear.
Sophie Turner was amongst the few girls who was at Priyanka Chopra’s bachelorette in Amsterdam. Sophie, Priyanka along with their boyfriends Joe and Nick have gone on double dates several times and share a very close bond.
The pre-wedding functions are said to begin this week with sangeet ceremony on November 29. The Indian style wedding will take place on December 1 followed by the white wedding on December 3.
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