Janhvi Kapoor who debuted with Karan Johar’s movie Dhadak with Ishaan Khatter was one of the guests at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) which was held at Goa and spoke about the best and worst experience of her life which took place this year. Best being of course her debut film which was a dream of her mom Sridevi releasing finally and the worst experience was her mom Sridevi passing way suddenly while attending a family wedding in Dubai. She said that she still can’t process that her mom is now gone but revealed that it has got the family together. In a press conference held at the event she also addressed the queries claiming that does she consciously try and emulate her mom, given the fact that the two are so alike in terms of looks and personality to which she said that even if she tried it’s not possible for her to do so.
Janhvi Kapoor reveals she is still SHOCKED with Sridevi’s death (read FULL statement)She said, “I can't emulate her, even if I wanted to.” She added, “It's harder to say anything... When I say 'growth', I mean personal growth, I don't know about artistic. This year brought me both the worst and the best experience of my life. It's a little strange... Our family is now united, so that is very big thing for me. But, whatever happened was too heavy. We are still in shock, se we haven't been able to process it properly. I'm really thankful for all the love that we have received and I got a chance to work, which is a big thing for more. I got a chance to make my parents proud, which is important for me."
After Dhadak, she has bagged yet another Dharma film with Takht.
Also Read: Madhuri Dixit pays tribute to late Sridevi with a stunning performance on ‘Hawa Hawai’ at Lux Golden Rose Awards 2018
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