On Wednesday rain halted Govinda’s exuberance. Govinda was shooting for his comeback film Rangeela Raja wittier and nimbler on his feet than ever before. Producer Pahlaj Nihalani was shooting a song at suburban studio with the star-actor whom Nihalani had introduced 32 years ago in Ilzaam
Govinda is back fighting fit, but the rain gods have other plansThe camaraderie between them is palpable. “Look what Pahlaj is making me do. I am supposed to be shooting a song and we are stranded because of the rains. I’ve three heroines in the film. But none here to give me company,” grumbles Govinda good-naturedly.
He is back doing what he likes doing the most. That after so many decades Govinda still commands a huge fan following is evident from the popularity of the ‘Dancing Uncle’ whose Govinda moves are breaking the internet.
Says Govinda warmly, “God bless Sanjeev Shrivastava. If my dancing has helped him find fame I am happy and grateful that God has given me a talent that others can use.”
Govinda feels he needs to re-invent his own skills as an actor and dancer. “I’ve been through so many experiences. I feel I am entering a new phase in my life,” he says.
Also Read: Govinda IMPRESSED with the recreation of his song ‘Aap Ke Aa Jane Se’ by Dancing Uncle
More Pages: Rangeela Raja Box Office Collection
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