In a first of a kind film, Arjun Kapoor has decided to take up one of the most unconventional roles of his career in the forthcoming Raj Kumar Gupta film. India’s Most Wanted is inspired by real life incidents and the actor is all set to play IB [Intelligence Bureau] officer in the forthcoming spy thriller. The director wants to maintain it as real as possible and undoubtedly, the first look of the actor that released recently too keeps up with the tone of the film.
FIRST LOOK: Arjun Kapoor turns IB officer Prabhat in Raj Kumar Gupta’s India’s Most WantedSporting a common man’s avatar in this simple shirt, it is the intense expression of Arjun Kapoor that supports the serious tonality of India’s Most Wanted. “Arjun plays a no-nonsense IB officer in the film who is also an ordinary guy at heart like the rest of us. Since the film is inspired by a true-life story, we wanted to keep the look as real as possible. We discussed it for a month as the emphasis is more on the character’s state of mind rather than his physical attributes,” said Raj Kumar Gupta, adding that he has spoken to the people connected with the event to understand their physical and emotional journey as the story is more about this unsung hero’s resilience and intelligence. This picture was shared on Arjun's social media page saying, "Grit, determination, self-belief - A character unlike any that I have played before. Meet Prabhat."
Besides this picture, Arjun Kapoor also shared another glimpse as Prabat on his Instagram page:
Interestingly, the film is not expected to feature any leading lady since Gupta wanted to give credibility and was not keen on having characters that will take us away from the plot. India’s Most Wanted is an espionage thriller based on true events. India’s most wanted will bring alive the mission of capturing the most wanted terrorist, without firing a single bullet.
Arjun Kapoor will be seen playing the role of an intelligence officer for the first time on celluloid. India’s Most Wanted is produced by Fox Star Studios and Rajkumar Gupta. The film releases in theatres on May 24, 2019.
Also Read: Arjun Kapoor begins India’s Most Wanted tomorrow
More Pages: India's Most Wanted Box Office Collection , India's Most Wanted Movie Review
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