By now we all know that Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif will next be seen sharing screen space in the Anurag Basu film Jagga Jasoos. Though the film has been in the making for quite a while now, it is slated to hit screens on July 14. Away from the film’s lead cast we hear that veteran actor Govinda who recently attempted making a comeback as the lead actor with the Aa Gaya Hero will also be seen in the film.
EXCLUSIVE: Govinda’s look revealed in the Anurag Basu film Jagga JasoosBut, it isn’t so much that Govinda will be featuring in the film that caught our attention, instead it was the actor’s varied looks that did. We at Bollywood Hungama came across these images of Govinda’s different looks in Jagga Jasoos and just had to share it. Interestingly, while Govinda’s first look as a long haired, bearded suave yet clueless detective is rather funny, the second is sure to have you in splits, with the actor donning the garb of a tribal baba with braided hair! Though the exact details of Govina’s role in Jagga Jasoos isn’t know, judging by the images we guess he features rather prominently in the film.
As for the film itself, Jagga Jasoos that is produced by UTV/ Disney and directed by Anurag Basu hits screens on July 14 this year.
More Pages: Jagga Jasoos Box Office Collection , Jagga Jasoos Movie Review
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