While they are neck deep in promotions and have been travelling across the country for their film Badrinath Ki Dulhania, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt were recently spotted in Rajasthan. The duo, though were on an official trip, they took some time out to meet the widow of the martyred soldier Dharm Ram and the rest of his family.
Check out: Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt help a martyr’s familyDharm Ram, who was from Barmer, lost his life while fighting the terrorists in 2016 and was awarded with Shaurya Chakra. When the lead cast of the film took this opportunity to meet the relatives of the jawaan, producer of their film, Karan Johar too decided to contribute to the family in his own way.
In fact from what we hear, Karan sent across a cheque on his company’s behalf to the two actors to give it to Dharm’s widow Teenu Devi and their family. It is also being said that the two actors interacted with the family and were quite moved by the story of the soldier.
Badrinath Ki Dulhania, the second instalment of filmmaker Shashank Khaitan’s Dulhania franchise, is slated to release on March 10.
More Pages: Badrinath Ki Dulhania Box Office Collection , Badrinath Ki Dulhania Movie Review
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