The year 1991 saw one of the biggest blockbusters of all time Sadak starring Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt in the lead. The film was helmed by Mahesh Bhatt and gave the audience groundbreaking musical score including the iconic song 'Tumhe Apna Banane Ki.'
Check out: ‘Sadak’ stars Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt reunite and share a hugCut to 2016, the leading actors of Sadak reunited after a long time. At an event in Delhi, Sanjay Dutt met Pooja Bhatt and shared a warm hug. Pooja Bhatt, who was ecstatic to meet Sanjay Dutt, shared a photo with him on social media and captioned the same as “Jaadu ki Jhappi! #SanjayDutt #delhi #Yflo #costars #friendship #love #jaadukijhappi.”
Readers may know that, after Sadak, Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt collaborated again, but, not as co-stars. Pooja Bhatt, who had produced Dushman that starred Kajol, recently shared a throwback photo with Sanjay Dutt. She also revealed that he was the only male star at the time who had agreed to do the film even when he knew it was a female oriented film. She had captioned it, "One from the archives! This was shot in Cape Town during the shoot of my second film as a producer #Dushman starring Sanju & Kajol. He was the only male star who had no issues being part of an obviously female oriented film. Guess that's confidence, to have no problem whatsoever when a woman takes center stage! #SanjayDutt #outdoors #Capetown #SouthAfrica #filmmakinglife #1999 #nostalgia #pure #love #goodtimes #actors #producers #stars."
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