Actors Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia, who tied the knot earlier in May, welcomed their daughter on Sunday, November 18. The couple proudly announced the pregnancy in August with a photo in which Neha was flaunting her baby bump. Now, two days after their daughter's birth, Neha announced their daughter's name - Mehr Dhupia Bedi.
Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia share a glimpse of their newborn daughter and announce her nameNeha Dhupia took to her social media to share a glimpse of their newborn daughter's cute little feet covered with socks. Announcing the name, she wrote, "Mehr Dhupia Bedi says hello to the world."
Angad Bedi, who has welcomed his first bundle of joy, says both his "girls are doing really well". Angad, on Tuesday morning, tweeted, "The last two days have been very overwhelming. Neha and me have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Thank you all for your wishes and love that is coming our way. Both my girls are doing really well."
Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia got married in a hush-hush ceremony in May 2018. While rumours were rife that Neha was already pregnant during the wedding, the couple admitted about the same during their recent conversation on a chat show. The couple had a difficult time convincing her parents when they revealed about the pregnancy. Later, the wedding took place with the blessings of both the families.
U Little Beauty MEHR..another Lifeline for Grandparents...Both Maternal & Paternal..Aren’t we Blessed..?!! Yes All of it by Guru’s MEHR Only..GodBless Little One..Welcome to this Journey..Ordained by Almighty WaheGuru..!!
— Bishan Bedi (@BishanBedi) November 20, 2018
Also Read : CONGRATULATIONS! Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi are now proud parents to a BABY GIRL
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