The courtroom drama Pink, directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu released yesterday. The film, which sensitively deals with the subject of harassment of women, has opened to rave reviews and positive word of mouth.
In this box office report, we take a look at the worldwide collections of Pink breaking the same into day-wise collections.
Day-wise breakup for India
Day Collections (INR Cr.) Day 1 (Fri) 4.32 Day 2 (Sat) 7.65 Day 3 (Sun) 9.54 Day 4 (Mon) 3.78 Day 5 (Tue) 3.51 Day 6 (Wed) 3.87 Day 7 (Thu) 3.24 Day 8 (Fri) 3.15 Day 9 (Sat) 5.49 Day 10 (Sun) 6.57 Day 11 (Mon) 1.98 Day 12 (Tue) 1.62 Day 13 (Wed) 1.53 Day 14 (Thu) 1.53 Day 15 (Fri) 1.08 Day 16 (Sat) 1.35 Day 17 (Sun) 1.62 Day 18 (Mon) 0.45 Day 19 (Tue) 0.45 Day 20 (Wed) 0.36 Day 21 (Thu) 0.36 Day 22 (Fri) to Day 24 (Sun) 1 Day 25 (Mon) to Day 28 (Thu) 0.5 Day 29 (Fri) to Day 35 (Thu) 0.4 Day 36 (Fri) to Day 42 (Thu) 0.04 TOTAL (NETT) 65.39 TOTAL (GROSS approx.) 90.82
Worldwide collections
Region Collections (INR Cr.) Updated... India 90.82 As of 27-Oct-16 North America (USA and Canada) 8.34 As of 30-Oct-16 United Arab Emirates / G.C.C. 5.51 As of 25-Sep-16 United Kingdom 0.99 As of 09-Oct-16 Australia 0.87 As of 01-Oct-16 New Zealand 0.18 As of 01-Oct-16 Malaysia 0.08 As of 16-Oct-16 Rest of the World 0.53 As of 25-Sep-16 TOTAL (GROSS) 107.32
NOTE - * denotes trends / figures still being compiled
India figures are NETT. Overseas figures are GROSS.
The Box Office figures are compiled from various sources and our own research. The figures can be approximate and Bollywood Hungama does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However, they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).
More Pages: Pink Box Office Collection , Pink Movie Review
The courtroom drama Pink, directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu released yesterday. The film, which sensitively deals with the subject of harassment of women, has opened to rave reviews and positive word of mouth.
In this box office report, we take a look at the worldwide collections of Pink breaking the same into day-wise collections.
Day-wise breakup for India
Day | Collections (INR Cr.) |
Day 1 (Fri) | 4.32 |
Day 2 (Sat) | 7.65 |
Day 3 (Sun) | 9.54 |
Day 4 (Mon) | 3.78 |
Day 5 (Tue) | 3.51 |
Day 6 (Wed) | 3.87 |
Day 7 (Thu) | 3.24 |
Day 8 (Fri) | 3.15 |
Day 9 (Sat) | 5.49 |
Day 10 (Sun) | 6.57 |
Day 11 (Mon) | 1.98 |
Day 12 (Tue) | 1.62 |
Day 13 (Wed) | 1.53 |
Day 14 (Thu) | 1.53 |
Day 15 (Fri) | 1.08 |
Day 16 (Sat) | 1.35 |
Day 17 (Sun) | 1.62 |
Day 18 (Mon) | 0.45 |
Day 19 (Tue) | 0.45 |
Day 20 (Wed) | 0.36 |
Day 21 (Thu) | 0.36 |
Day 22 (Fri) to Day 24 (Sun) | 1 |
Day 25 (Mon) to Day 28 (Thu) | 0.5 |
Day 29 (Fri) to Day 35 (Thu) | 0.4 |
Day 36 (Fri) to Day 42 (Thu) | 0.04 |
TOTAL (NETT) | 65.39 |
TOTAL (GROSS approx.) | 90.82 |
Worldwide collections
Region | Collections (INR Cr.) | Updated... |
India | 90.82 | As of 27-Oct-16 |
North America (USA and Canada) | 8.34 | As of 30-Oct-16 |
United Arab Emirates / G.C.C. | 5.51 | As of 25-Sep-16 |
United Kingdom | 0.99 | As of 09-Oct-16 |
Australia | 0.87 | As of 01-Oct-16 |
New Zealand | 0.18 | As of 01-Oct-16 |
Malaysia | 0.08 | As of 16-Oct-16 |
Rest of the World | 0.53 | As of 25-Sep-16 |
TOTAL (GROSS) | 107.32 |
NOTE - * denotes trends / figures still being compiled
India figures are NETT. Overseas figures are GROSS.
The Box Office figures are compiled from various sources and our own research. The figures can be approximate and Bollywood Hungama does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However, they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).