The Sabbir Khan directed film Munna Michael starring Tiger Shroff, Nidhhi Agerwal and Nawazuddin Siddiqui has released on Friday July 21. This action dance entertainer has opened in 3000 screens in India and 400 screens in the overseas market. The movie however had a poor opening
In this box office report we take a look at the overseas collections of Munna Michael on Day 5 (Tuesday).
Australia box office
2,731 USD [Rs. 1.75 lacs] from 23 screens
New Zealand box office
1,210 USD [Rs. 77,907] from 6 screens
U.K box office
9,304 USD [Rs. 5.98 lacs] from 44 screens
U.S.A box office
8,777 USD [Rs. 5.64 lacs] from 54 screens
Canada box office
5,462 USD [Rs. 3.51 lacs] from 13 screens