The Kangana Ranaut starrer Manikarnika – The Queen of Jhansi hit screens a day earlier in the overseas market. The film which has seen a wide release across 3000 screens in the domestic market and 700 screens in the overseas markets has been one of the most talked about ventures. However will the hype surrounding Manikarnika – The Queen of Jhansi work in its favour is what the question of the hour is.
In this box office report we take a look at the collections of Manikarnika – The Queen of Jhansi in the overseas markets on Day 3 (Sunday).
Australia box office
42,787 USD [Rs. 30.44 lacs] from 28 screens
New Zealand box office
13,497 USD [Rs. 9.60 lacs] from 14 screens
U.K box office
39,429 USD [Rs. 28.05 lacs] from 49 screens
U.S.A box office
148,458 USD [Rs. 1.05 crore] from 126 screens
Canada box office
42,807 USD [Rs. 30.45 lacs] from 29 screens