Last month we had reported that Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor are all to come together for the first time in Shashank Khaitan’s directorial Rannbhoomi. While there has been no progress on that front, latest reports claim that the actor-director duo are now joining hands for another film, an espionage thriller. And this time around too, it isn’t Alia Bhatt but Janhvi Kapoor who maybe playing the leading lady. We also hear that the film is inspired by one of the most popular Hollywood franchise, the Bourne series.
Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor to come together for a spy thriller and here are the detailsIf recent reports are to be believed, the untitled Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor starrer is expected to be an espionage thriller with Varun Dhawan essaying the role of a spy. Interestingly, it seems that this is the genre of the season with John Abraham playing a spy in Romeo Akbar Walter and Arjun Kapoor playing a RAW agent in India’s Most Wanted. While both the previously mentioned films are inspired by real life, we hear that the story of Varun Dhawan as a spy is expected to be original.
Speaking of Janhvi Kapoor coming on board for the film, reports have it that the Shashank Khaitan was keen on having a fresh pairing on screen. While his earlier films have featured Varun with Alia, he has worked with Janhvi in the latter’s Bollywood debut Dhadak. As per reports, the filmmaker believed having Varun and Janhvi together this time will add freshness to the film.
Furthermore, it is being said that Janhvi Kapoor will play a completely different role compared to her debut. In her first film, she essayed the role of a girl-next-door, whereas in this one, it is being said in reports that she will be seen as the action packed girl. The actress is supposed to be undergoing intense training for some high octane sequences in the film. But details of the same are kept under wraps.
It is yet to be seen as to when this untitled film will go on floor. Coming to other projects, Varun Dhawan will next be seen in the multi starrer Kalank and also a dance film with Katrina is on the pipeline. As for Janhvi, she will be seen in another grand multi starrer Takht and a biopic on flight lieutenant Gunjan Saxena.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal indulge in social media love and fans can’t stop gushing about it
More Pages: Shashank Khaitan's Next Box Office Collection
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