Sonam Kapoor, a self-confessed feminist, courted controversy after she decided to add her husband’s surname. Soon after, Anand Ahuja added an extra ‘S’ for Sonam in his full name and together, they positioned themselves as a the quintessential new age ‘woke’ couple. Now we hear that the couple are keen on their kids having both their names. Talking about the same Sonam stated that she and Anand had a very long conversation on the subject and finally settled down on a solution.
Sonam Kapoor Ahuja REVEALS her future baby’s nameAs per reports, the solution Sonam and Anand arrived at was to include the names Sonam and Ahuja in their kids names so as to deepen the connection between the kids and the respective Kapoor and Ahuja families. Detailing the process of arriving at this solution Sonam added that though she had her father’s last name, she wanted her kids to have not just Anand’s family name but also hers.
The Veere Di Wedding star said that this was the best compromise that they came up with as a couple and she is happy that she has retained both her husband and dad’s names as she loves them given the fact that both are progressive men.
Currently, holidaying in London with her hubby Anand S Ahuja, Sonam will next be seen in The Zoya Factor.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor – Dulquer Salmaan starrer The Zoya Factor to go on floors in August
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