Last week we had reported that Rajkummar Rao had been roped in to feature in Dinesh Vijan’s next production. If that wasn’t all, we had also told you that the said film is a horror comedy that has been written by the director duo Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK. Well now we hear that the makers of film have roped in its leading lady. While Shraddha Kapoor may have last been seen in the film Haseena Parkar which didn’t quite work wonders at the box office, we hear that the actress has now been roped in for Vijan’s yet untitled venture.
Shraddha Kapoor to star with Rajkummar Rao in Dinesh Vijan’s nextConfirming the same, Shraddha Kapoor seemed pretty kicked about the project and its genre while saying, “Very excited to share that I’ll be working with one of my favourite actors Rajkummar Rao and the hilarious director duo Raj and DK for a first of its kind horror comedy!”. Interestingly, it is learnt that in the film Shraddha Kapoor will be seen playing a small town girl with a mystery surrounding her character. Talking about Shraddha’s role a source close to the film adds, “It’s a unique role and in a zone that Shraddha has not attempted before. She has really liked the script and gave her approval last week.”
While the film is currently in the pre-production stage, the makers are scouting for locations and will also zero in on a director soon. As for Shraddha Kapoor, the actress is currently working on her film Saaho that stars Baahubali fame actor Prabhas along with prepping for her role in the Amole Gupte directed biopic on badminton ace Saina Nehwal. Once done with Saaho, Shraddha will commence prep work on Vijan’s film that is slated to go on floors in January.
More Pages: Stree Box Office Collection , Stree Movie Review
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