After doing a couple of Bollywood films, actress Mandana Karimi was more than happy to announce her engagement and later about her marriage to beau Gaurav Gupta on social media. However, the marital bliss soon came to an end in five months, as the actress has now gone ahead and filed a complaint of domestic violence against her husband.
SHOCKING: Mandana Karimi files domestic violence complaint against husband Gaurav GuptaRevealing about the same, the Iranian model turned actress has not just accused her husband of domestic violence but has also lodged a complaint against her mother-in-law for the harassment. While filing the petition against the family, the actress has demanded Rs. 10 lakh per month for maintenance and other necessities and a sum of Rs. 2 crores as compensation for the trauma as well as on the grounds of loss of her career.
In her petition, the actress spoke about incidents of domestic violence where she mentioned that Gupta’s family not only asked her to quit acting because it did not go well with the image of their family in the society but she also accused her husband of forcing her to convert to Hinduism. Furthermore, she also spoke about an instance when her husband Gaurav Gupta banned her from entering the house and that’s when she decided to take an action against it.
Also, the actress reportedly maintained that despite being thrown out, she made several attempts to reconcile with the Gupta family but in vain and added that her husband has cut her off. Her lawyer, Madhukar Dalvi maintained that the case is currently in court.
Mandana Karimi tied the knot with businessman Gaurav Gupta on January 25 in a small and private manner in court. However, it was followed by a lavish ceremony a few weeks later which were attended by stars, friends and family.
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