A few days ago, the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Padmavati suffered a calamity as the crew woke up to news of the demise of one of their team members, painter Mukesh Dhakiya. Sanjay Leela Bhansali and the cast expressed their heartfelt condolences on social media and the producer-director has decided to pay compensation worth Rs. 21 lakhs to the victim’s family.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali pays over Rs. 20 lakh as compensation for worker’s demiseReaders may be aware that Mukesh Dhakiya suffered a major head injury while working on the sets of the film. The production team of the film has contributed Rs. 20.80 lakhs and three of the team members paid a visit to meet Dhakiya’s wife and family to pay the amount. Besides them, General Secretary of film workers’ union Gangeshwar Shrivastav revealed that the co-workers of Mukesh decided to contribute their share and about 70-80 of them have given away a day’s salary to the family and the collection amounts to approximately Rs.2.2 lakhs.
Amidst all of these, four months pregnant, Mukesh’s wife too has been promised a job in the production company as a part of this compensation. The compensation also includes a fixed deposit of Rs. 5 lakh that will be opened for the worker’s kids who are 11 and 9 years old as a means of securing their future.
On the other hand, cine workers union called for the improvement of medical facilities on the sets and have demanded for a better availability of 24 hour doctor on call, well equipped ambulance and safety gear like harnesses and hats.
Talking about the compensation they received, brother of the late Mukesh Dhakiya, Sunil expressed his gratitude towards Sanjay Leela Bhansali who abided by his promise as well as for securing the future of the kids. While he maintained that nothing can compensate the death of his brother, he is thankful to the union and the production house for their efforts to help the family.
More Pages: Padmaavat Box Office Collection , Padmaavat Movie Review
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