Model turned actor Rohit Saraf who was last seen in Gauri Shinde’s Dear Zindagi will now be seen in Yash Raj Films Hichki. This will be the 20 year old’s second Bollywood outing and he already has worked with names people strive years to work with.
This break though has come after much hard work and perseverance. Rohit who has previously modelled for big brands like KFC and Disney has been a professional dancer for 6 years and worked tirelessly at bettering his craft.
Rohit Saraf to feature in Rani Mukerji’s HichkiRohit is delighted that apart from working with industry bigwigs he has got a chance to play completely different characters which allows him to showcase his versatility, commenting in the same Rohit says, “My character in Hichki is quite different from ‘kiddo’ Dear Zindagi. I’m fortunate to work with the best and biggest in the industry, one can learn so much and I’m just trying to take in everything I can” smiles Rohit.
The actor will also be seen in What Will People Say a internationally co-produced drama film directed and written by Iram Haq.
Also Read : Rani Mukerji to host first screening of Hichki for teachers
More Pages: Hichki Box Office Collection , Hichki Movie Review
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