The Aditya Chopra directed film Befikre starring Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor has been steadily gathering steam. In fact, in its run up to release, Befikre has become the talk of the town with people eagerly anticipating its release.
REVEALED: Budget and screen count of Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor’s BefikreNow, just a day away from release we at Bollywood Hungama got our hands on the budget details and release plan of the film that we just had to share. Shot mostly in Paris, France Befikre has been made on a more than modest budget of Rs. 70 crores that includes cost of Production of Rs. 55 crores and Print and Publicity Rs. 15 crores.
Considering the theme of the film, the makers have settled on a targeted approach for its release with a controlled screen count. Aimed mainly at multiplex going audience in metro cities, Befikre will see a release across 2900 screens that comprises of 2100 screens in the Domestic (Indian) market and another additional 800 screens in the International market.
More Pages: Befikre Box Office Collection , Befikre Movie Review
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