Both Baahubali and its sequel Baahubali 2: The Conclusion made their way from the original Telugu language to the Hindi heartland in a dubbed avatar. That linguistic journey is about to be rewritten. The television series to be telecast from early 2018 based on the back stories of the plot in Baahubaali - The Beginning and its sequel Baahubali 2 - The Conclusion will be in Hindi.
REVEALED: Baahubali television series to be made in HindiAnnounces producer Shobu Yarlagadda, “Baahubali doesn’t belong to Andhra Pradesh anymore. It’s gone out to the world. We’ve decided to make the television series in Hindi, and then telecast it in different Indian languages. Why Hindi? Because it’s the national language and has maximum reach.”
As for the second instalment of the epic saga, Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion that opened to packed theatres across the nation has been near unstoppable. In fact the film seems to be picking up in business as the days progress, looking set to establish new box office benchmarks.
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