Just a day ago we had reported about Akshay Kumar kicking off the Karan Johar venture Kesari. The actor even took to social media to share his look from the film and now we hear that this shooting in Mumbai city will be a short one, after which a major portion of the shoot has been scheduled in the picturesque Wai.
REVEALED: Akshay Kumar to shoot for Kesari in SataraIt is a known fact that Kesari is based on the much talked about Battle of Sargarhi that has currently become the subject of interest for many filmmakers. The film went on floor a day ago at a suburban studio in Mumbai and from what we hear, the makers are only planning to shoot a few sequences here. It is being said that Akshay Kumar will take a break after wrapping the shoot schedule of four days within the city in order to promote his Republic Day release Padman. On Sunday, Akshay Kumar is said to be shooting an action sequence but the rest of the shooting will be completed in Wai.
Readers may be aware that Wai is a small town located in Satara district of Maharashtra and the picturesque location will be used to erect Gulistan and Sargarhi forts. Reportedly, it has also been learnt that besides shooting major battle sequences there, an Afghan village too has been recreated to shoot scenes of soldiers mingling with locals.
As for his look, it is reportedly said to have been designed by Sheetal Sharma who has worked with the superstar previously in Airlift. We also hear that a lot of attention is being paid to the action in the film which involves battle sequences as Hollywood stunt coordinator Lawrence Woodward of Mad Max: Fury Road fame has been invited to train Akshay Kumar in the film. The actor will be learning sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat for these action scenes.
Produced by Karan Johar and directed by Anurag Singh, Kesari will feature Akshay Kumar in the role of Havildar Ishar Singh who led the Sikh army against the Afghans in this 1897 battle.
More Pages: Kesari Box Office Collection , Kesari Movie Review
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