Ranbir Kapoor’s Sanju will release next month and there is already a lot of buzz around the film, thanks to its controversial subject and the fact that it is about the real life story of the resident bad boy of Bollywood: Sanjay Dutt. Many close to the actor reveal that his journey and life experiences are stranger than fiction and therefore will make for a fantastic plot. None other than Ranbir, who is one of the finest actors in the industry today, will portray his character and has already STUNNED masses with his transformation into Dutt for the movie. It is common knowledge that Aamir Khan was approached to play Sunil Dutt, Sanju’s dad, but he turned it down. Aamir just came out clean about this matter and we were rather surprised when we heard about his clarification on not doing the role.
REVEALED: Aamir Khan WANTED to play Sanjay Dutt in Sanju but could not, here’s whyAamir said that Rajkumar Hirani offered him a good role of the late actor politician and it had many layers as it traced a rather complicated relationship between the father and his prodigal son but the only character which totally excited him was Ranbir’s key role. After reading it, he told Hirani that if he does the movie, it would only be for the central character. The role, according to Aamir, was so well written that he was totally enamoured by it. Unfortunately, Raju Hirani could not offer Sanju’s role to Aamir because he had already signed Ranbir Kapoor for the same.
Aamir’s next movie is Thugs Of Hindostan which stars Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Shaikh in lead roles. It is an action adventure film based in pre-independence period and will showcase Aamir Khan has the ultimate Thug!
Also Read: Rajkumar Hirani reveals why Aamir Khan did not play Sunil Dutt’s role in Sanju
More Pages: Sanju Box Office Collection , Sanju Movie Review
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