Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone hosted their second grand reception yesterday at Grand Hyatt in Mumbai. They looked like a vision in white in co-ordinated ensembles and stunned us with their amaze chemistry at the red carpet. As reported earlier, the couple will also host a grand reception on December 1 at the same venue just for the film wallahs! Now there is a lot of speculation over when will the couple fly for their honeymoon as Ranveer has back to back releases. Reports suggest that Baba has prioritised Simmba for now. He will shoot a title track soon with his lead actress Sara Ali Khan, and director Rohit Shetty is yet to finalise its location. He was also seen at the dubbing studio a couple of days ago where he caught up with Sonu Sood. While Ranveer is busy with his wedding, he made sure that Simmba isn't suffering and is well on schedule.
Ranveer Singh gives priority to SIMMBA over honeymoon with Deepika Padukone (Details inside)Rohit is working on the patchwork and giving finishing touches using Ranveer's body double while Baba is away hosting his wedding receptions. Ranveer and Deepika will go on their honeymoon only after Simmba releases on December 28. Ranveer has Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy and Kabir Khan's ‘83 in his kitty post Simmba. Deepika, on the other hand, will start prepping for Meghna Gulzar's next.
The couple Ranveer and Deepika got married at an idyllic villa at Lake Como and post that hosted a reception for their family and friends in Bangalore. Ranveer's sister Ritika Bhavnani also hosted a party for the couple in the city. Yesterday’s function was mostly for the media people as they won't be invited for the event on December 1 where only industry insiders have been called.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Mumbai Reception: The newlyweds look RADIANT and impressive beyond imagination
More Pages: Simmba Box Office Collection , Simmba Movie Review
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