Hrithik Roshan recently took to social media to announce shocking news about his father Rakesh Roshan. The latter, who is a popular actor and filmmaker, has been diagnosed with cancer. The same was shared on social media by Hrithik earlier today. Now, our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has send across his best wishes and prayers on social media to the Roshans.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sends his prayers and best wishes to Hrithik Roshan’s father Rakesh RoshanThe official Twitter handle of Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a special message after the news of Rakesh Roshan being diagnosed with cancer hit the web. “Dear Hrithik, praying for the good health of Shri Rakesh Roshan Ji. He is a fighter and I am sure he will face this challenge with utmost courage. @RakeshRoshan_N.”
Dear Hrithik, praying for the good health of Shri Rakesh Roshan Ji. He is a fighter and I am sure he will face this challenge with utmost courage. @RakeshRoshan_N
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 8, 2019
Hrithik Roshan, who has also worked extensively with his father, took to Instagram earlier today to post a picture with his father from their gymming session. However, the caption with the image had a heartfelt note from the son. In the said post, Hrithik had mentioned that his father Rakesh Roshan has been diagnosed with early stage squamous cell carcinoma of throat [which is a type of cancer] and at the same time, appreciating his father to have the courage to fight it out.
Also Read: Hrithik Roshan’s ex-wife Sussanne Khan calls Rakesh Roshan ‘stronger than any superhero’ after cancer diagnosis
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