Film director, writer and producer Anubhav Sinha who has two films lined up for release this year, Mulk and Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai, took a mini work vacation to Bollywood's favourite destination, London last week. Sinha who has shot over 200 music videos till date, will be directing a series of music singles for Anurag Bedi of Zee Music, inspired by American film series Fifty Shades Of Grey.
Inspired by Fifty Shades Of Grey, Anubhav Sinha to shoot music videos with Sonal Chauhan and Amyra DasturEach video aesthetically shot will touch upon the various shades of love such as yearning, fantasy, desire, infatuation. Bringing to life Sinha's vision in the first two of these videos will be Jannat fame actress Sonal Chauhan who is busy shooting for Mahesh Manjrekar's period based drama. New talent will be contributing to the music of the series which will release towards the latter half the year. The next three videos will feature Amyra Dastur who Sinha is in talks with.
Speaking on the same, Anubhav Sinha said, "It has been indeed a long time since I have directed a music video and since both my forthcoming films have no quintessential Bollywood song and dance I thought it would be nice to satiate my long pending desire before I start shooting for my next film. I feel love today is a highly misunderstood and underrated concept and while India is known to be home to the Kamasutra, the common man shies away from this beautiful masterpiece as it's still considered a taboo topic. I wanted to explore various shades of this wonderful emotion which seems to have acquired new meanings today. Sonal Chauhan was the ideal mix of grace, panache and appeal. Each single will touch upon a topic while the entire series will be called 5 Shades Of Love. "
Anubhav Sinha has wrapped up two of his mainstream projects within a span of six months and who will resume directing his next starting later this year.
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