Satyameva Jayate starring John Abraham, Manoj Bajpayee, and Aisha Sharma has earned big at the box office as it released on a national holiday. Having a 5 day weekend from August 15 till date, the film has minted Rs 76.91 crores. Whilst the cast and the makers are enjoying the success of the film, a close source reveals that a sequel is in works.
EXCLUSIVE: After John Abraham – Manoj Bajpayee’s Satyameva Jayate success, a sequel in works?According to a source, it has been learnt that director Milap Zaveri was roped in for another project by producer Nikkhil Advani which would have starred John Abraham in the lead. But, with the success of Satyameva Jayate, the makers are now working on a script for the sequel and figuring out how to proceed forward with the story. But, here is the twist!
For those who have watched the film, they would know that John Abraham, who essays the role of a bold, calculating, and unapologetic vigilante, gets killed at the end of the film. So, according to the source, the scriptwriters have been told to find a smart way to get John Abraham back into the storyline as he was killed. Pretty interesting, isn't it?
While it is unclear whether the rest of the cast would be returning in the sequel, it would be very interesting to see how this sequel will pan out.
Satyameva Jayate, which is still running in theatres, is directed by Milap Zaveri and produced by Nikkhil Advani, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani of Emmay Entertainment and Bhushan Kumar of T-Series.
Meanwhile, John Abraham and Nikkhil Advani will be working together in Batla House. He will essay the role of Sanjeev Kumar Yadav who spearheaded operation Batla House.
Also Read: John Abraham enjoys a fun massage on the sets of Milap Zaveri’s next and here’s what he has to say
More Pages: Satyameva Jayate Box Office Collection , Satyameva Jayate Movie Review
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