With so many reports that have been doing the rounds on various platforms about the impending wedding of Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chathrath, the comedian turned actor has finally put an end to all of it. He has confirmed his marriage with his fiancé Ginni next month, on December 12. The comedian host took to social media to make this announcement and shared a glimpse of the invite.
CONFIRMED! Kapil Sharma ANNOUNCES his marriage date with Ginni Chathrath on InstagramKapil Sharma, who has been quite active on Instagram for the past few months, shared a picture of the invite of his wedding. It reads, “With great joy in our hearts and blessings of our parents, it gives us immense pleasure to announce that Ginni and I will embark on a new journey of love, respect and togetherness on 12th of December, 2018. WE would like to thank each and every one who has been a part of our wonderful sojourn and seek the best wishes and prayers of all our loved ones.”
He shared the post with a caption, ‘Need your blessings’.
If earlier reports are to be believed, Kapil will tie the knot with Ginni in big fat Indian wedding style in Punjab. There are reports which stated that the wedding functions will kick off from December 10 onwards. Starting with Maata ka jagrata, the ceremonies will then proceed towards mehendi and sangeet. The marriage ceremonies are expected to be held in Phagwara. A five star has apparently been booked for the wedding function on December 12. On the other hand, a reception too is said to have been planned in Amritsar on December 14.
On the other hand, another reception is expected to be held in Mumbai for Kapil Sharma’s friends from the fraternity. It has been planned on December 24 at a plush five star in the city. It is being said that Kapil will be having a great month professionally too in December, since he is planning to return to the small screen with his popular program, The Kapil Sharma Show.
Also Read: Did you know Kapil Sharma was REJECTED by wife Ginni Chatrath’s dad
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