Akshay Kumar is a busy actor who has an array of projects lined up. The actor, who was last seen in Pad Man earlier this year, will be seen in the upcoming film Gold which is helmed by Reema Kagti and set for Independence Day release. Besides, the actor also has Kesari and Housefull 4 lined up for 2019. With three films back to back, Akshay Kumar has been roped in for another massive film by Yash Raj Films.
BREAKING: Yash Raj Films ropes in Akshay Kumar for a big budget period dramaFrom what it has been learned, Yash Raj Films has signed Akshay Kumar for their next massive venture which will be a period drama. The film will be directed by critically acclaimed filmmaker Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi. Interestingly, Dr. Dwivedi essayed the role of Chanakya in the show with the same in the year 1991 which was also directed by him. YRF is now in the process of locking the rest of cast members including another A-lister who will essay the character of Chandragupta Maurya. The source further revealed the film is in pre-production as it will be a grand film. It will reportedly go on floors early February 2019 with huge sets mounted for the film. The makers are eyeing an early 2020 release.
While we wait for the official announcement from YRF, Akshay Kumar is clearly on a roll with another period drama as his next Kesari, with Dharma Productions, is also a period drama.
This will be the return of Akshay Kumar with YRF after 10 years. He was first seen in an extended cameo in 1997 film, Dil Toh Pagal Hai. Post that, he starred in Tashan which was helmed by Vijay Krishna Acharya.
Also Read : Gold vs Satyameva Jayate: John Abraham opens up about clash with Akshay Kumar on this Independence Day
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