Salman Khan just took to Twitter to change the name of brother in law Aayush Sharma’s movie. So now the film which was previously titled Loveratri will be known as Love Yatri! He announced this with a quirky funny message in his style on Twitter. The movie is slated to release on October 5 and is a debut film of Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain. It is being produced by the Salman Khan Films and is a love story set in Gujarat. The first look of the movie was unveiled in August. Both Aayush and Warina have been traveling all over the country to make sure that they promote the movie well.
BREAKING: Salman Khan changes Aayush Sharma – Warina Hussain’s film name to Love YatriCheck out Salman Khan's tweet below:
This is not a spelling mistake... #loveyatri #lovetakesover...@SKFilmsOfficial @aaysharma @Warina_Hussain @abhiraj21288 @TSeries
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) September 18, 2018
It clearly seems that the makers have changed the name of the film to avoid the controversies that the name has been creating. There have been cases and complaints registered against Salman and the cast members over hurting the feelings of Hindu community with the title Loveratri that is similar sounding to the festival of Navratri.
The film is set during the festival of Navratri in Gujarat and hence the title Loveratri was finalised. But now the changed title also goes along with the story of the film because according to the trailer, Warina Hussain is a NRI who comes down to India during the festival of Navratri. Since yatri means a traveller in Hindi, this title works too.
Hope the masses take to this change positively. Apart from producing Love Yatri, Salman is busy with Bigg Boss reality show and filming for Bharat with Katrina Kaif.
More Pages: LoveYatri Box Office Collection , LoveYatri Movie Review
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