Sidharth Malhotra, who was last seen in Neeraj Pandey's Aiyaary, is all set to start work on his next film soon. The film is a biopic on Captain Vikram Batra who is a Kargil hero and a winner of Param Vir Chakra. According to the previous reports, Sidharth Malhotra will essay a double role of Vikram Batra and his twin Vishal Batra. Now, the film yet untitled has been finally announced officially. It will be co-produced by Sidharth Malhotra's mentor and friend, Karan Johar.
BREAKING: Karan Johar to co-produce Sidharth Malhotra starrer Captain Vikram Batra biopicKaran Johar, on Thursday, made an official announcement about the yet untitled Vikram Batra biopic on Twitter with proper details about the film. The biopic on the Kargil war hero will be written by Sandeep Shrivastava and directed by Vishnu Varadhan. Sidharth Malhotra's forthcoming film will be co-produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Production and Shabbir Boxwala. He tweeted, "Time to relive-Yeh Dil Mangey More. @DharmaMovies & Shabbir Boxwala collaborate to present the true story of bravery & patriotism-the chronicles of Kargil war hero Vikram Batra. @S1dharthM in the lead as Sher Shah Vikram Batra; Vishnu Varadhan to direct; Written By Sandeep Shrivastava."
According to earlier reports, the biopic will be set in Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, and Dehradun. The Kargil hero’s brother and girlfriend Dimple Cheema have joined hands with the makers of the film. They have given the makers all the necessary information about Vikram to portray him accurately.
For the uninitiated, Vikram Batra was born in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. At the time of Kargil War, this unit received orders to move to Kargil. Eighteen days after this, on June 19, 1999, he was ordered to recapture Point 5140 in his first major battle. He defeated the enemy and gave out a triumphant war cry, “Yeh Dil maange more.” While leaving the base, his colleague lost his legs in an explosion. The war hero went back just to save him that’s when he was hit by enemy’s bullet in his chest. He was martyred on the spot. He was honoured with Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest and most prestigious award for valour, for his actions during the war.
Also Read: After Sidharth Malhotra and Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kartik Aaryan joins cast of Karan Johar’s next
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