The Emraan Hashmi starrer Cheat India was recently in the news when the makers of the film decided to prepone the release of the same. While the new release date ensured that the film would not clash at the box office with the Bal Thackeray biopic, we now hear that the film has hit another hurdle. In fact, the Central Board of Film Certification took a last minute objection to the title of the film that reads as ‘Cheat India’. Following this the makers of the film, T-Series and Ellipsis Entertainment have decided to retitle it to Why Cheat India.
BREAKING: Emraan Hashmi starrer Cheat India retitled as WHY CHEAT INDIA; cleared with UA certificateSources close to the development say that though the promotional material was already cleared by the CBFC with the previous title, it was the Examining Committee that raised an objection to it post viewing the film. Apparently, the Committee felt that the title ‘Cheat India’ was controversial and misleading when seen in the context of the movie. Post this, the makers of the film entered a discussion with the members of the board and the Examining Committee and finally arrived at the decision to retitle the film to Why Cheat India. Following this change in the title of the film, the CBFC and the Examining Committee cleared it with a UA certificate.
Confirming the same, the makers of the film released a statement that read, “The CBFC had concerns about the title Cheat India. We had an extensive conversation with the Examining Committee and Revising Committee regarding the proposed change as the film has been in public domain for a year, and more importantly, because the theatrical teaser, trailer and television promos had already been certified with the original title. This would lead to dual communication a week before the release. The duress of lack of time left us with no choice but to mutually agree to the new title, Why Cheat India.”
As for the film, starring Emraan Hashmi and Shreya Dhanwanthary, Why Cheat India is directed by Soumik Sen and produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Tanuj Garg’s Ellipsis Entertainment. Why Cheat India is slated to hit screens on January 18.
More Pages: Why Cheat India Box Office Collection , Why Cheat India Movie Review
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