After making waves with her debut feature Dharm which bagged the National film award and premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, acclaimed director Bhavna Talwar has a force to reckon with. Her next feature, a major International production, which is an adaptation of the much-loved children's Book 'Heidi' has begun its second schedule in Spain, following the UK Schedule and stars heavy weight actors such as Bill Nighy, Mark Williams and Helen Baxendale among others.
While Talwar is all set to make her mark internationally, she has chosen to work with a core Indian crew, including noted cinematographer Binod Pradhan and Action director Sham Kaushal, in addition to her core creative team.
"Cinema is a universal language and I know and our production company has worked closely with Shamji and Binod, it was not just about the comfort level but also the fact that they are world class talent. It's been a pleasure working with them" Said director Bhavna Talwar.
Being filmed in pristine locations of Spain, Heidi - Queen of the Mountains is already among one of the anticipated releases. "This is a truly collaborative film; we have a huge Indian crew, working alongside Spanish and UK crew members. Each bringing to the table a wealth of experience and skill set. This is the reason we all got into filmmaking", concluded Talwar.
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