While Amitabh Bachchan swept away every award last year for his brilliant performance in Pink, daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan tasted success with Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. However, the megastar’s son Abhishek Bachchan seems to be busy dedicating his time towards sports and his acquired teams. Last seen in the Rs. 100 crore multi-starrer Housefull 3, Abhishek Bachchan is however gearing up for a series of forthcoming films this year.
Abhishek Bachchan has four upcoming films and these are the ones!One in the list is that of Ronnie Screwvala. The producer, who has decided to launch his own banner, has roped in Abhishek Bachchan for his forthcoming project; the details of which are being kept strictly under wraps. However, it is being said that it will be directed by a debutant.
On the other hand, yet another film in the pipeline for Abhishek is Bachchan Singh. The film is apparently produced by Rajat Rawail and is said to be directed by popular filmmaker Priyadarshan. While the director is known for remaking South films in Bollywood, we aren’t sure if Bachchan Singh will be a remake.
Besides these two, we had earlier reported that Abhishek Bachchan has signed an untitled film with Nishikant Kamat which is a thriller drama and that he will be playing the lead in Prabhu Deva’s film Lefty.
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